Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Tags: cilostazol

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Cilostazol, mai sigur decât aspirina în prevenirea accidentelor cerebrale

Cilostazol, un medicament antiplachetar, este la fel de eficace ca aspirina la prevenirea accidentelor cerebrale recurente, însă mult mai sigur, potrivit unui studiu realizat în China, publicat în revista The Lancet Neurology ÅŸi preluat de Reuters. (more…)...

Read the full post from Vedete: revista presei

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Cilostazol found may be safer than aspirin post-stroke

The anti-platelet drug cilostazol is as effective as aspirin at preventing recurrent stroke and appears to be linked to fewer bleeding events, a study in China has shown. Published in the online version of The Lancet Neurology, the study suggests that cilostazol could be a safer alternative to aspir...

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